Data input such as textboxes, textareas, textbox with buttons, textbox lookups, time pickers, date pickers, password entry, etc
Data display such as displayboxes, labels, Multiline lables, displaybox with button, textblock, etc
Functional UI such as barcode scan, QR code scan, Signature entry, file upload/download, PDF upload download, etc
Select options such as static and dynamic droplists, radio buttons, check boxes, etc
Image control such as display image, upload new image, static and databound images, image zoom, static text, etc
Selections such as select and show drop list, selection with button, Read via Key, etc
Plus many many other Widgets and Widget options
Font style and size
and many other UI display options
The best place to see comprehensive list of "Widgets" available to use in the Evoke together with some of the different options that can be configured on each Widget is by using the Evoke Example App.