A BlueFinity Review - 2015 to 2016

As 2015 came to an end, Elkie Holland of Prospectus IT caught up with BlueFinity to find out about their views on 2015 and what we can look forward to in 2016.

ELKIE: As 2015 draws to a close, would you say BlueFinity has had a successful year financially?

As planned, following the sale of jBASE at the end of last year, the Mpower1 group embarked on a period of investment and development in our Multivalue businesses. We have now successfully brought new releases of mv.NET and mv.SSIS to market, already upgrading many of our current customers. However, the most significant and exciting investment is in our new Evoke product, which has progressed very positively and been exceptionally well received by a selection of users that have now implemented the new system.

So, yes, we can say we have continued to grow our business, improved our products, invested in our future and have had a successful year financially. Mpower1 group's ownership of BlueFinity means that the company remains incredibly strong financially and can continue to invest in the new products both MultiValue and non-MultiValue.

ELKIE:Was it a successful year with regards to increasing user base ?

Definitely; as I am sure you are already aware we have sold product licences to new users in 2015 as well as continuing to sell additional licenses to our existing customers, so the customer base has grown.

ELKIE: Was it also a successful year product wise ?

There is no question of this, the new releases of mv.NET and mv.SSIS versions were very well received. We cannot deny that the major release of Evoke has taken a considerable amount of time, expertise and investment, definitely using up all that was budgeted for this and beyond. However the result has significantly exceeded our expectations in terms of functionality and customer value. Without doubt, the initial success of this product means we can consider 2015 to be a very successful year, product wise.

ELKIE: Did BlueFinity achieve all the objectives it had at the beginning of the year ?

In terms of mv.NET and mv.SSIS - yes, we definitely achieved all of our objectives. Evoke took longer than originally planned before being ready for market, so we did not achieve that 2015 objective. However, as indicated above, Evoke now includes a far richer level of functionality so in terms of overall objectives we were delayed but are very much on course.

ELKIE: What would be the main achievements in 2015 ?

Given the comments above, you will not be surprised to hear that these relate to the release of Evoke to selected MultiValue customers and the investment and imminent release of the additional components, including SQL Database support, offline device capability, native devices, real time code generation, etc.

ELKIE: Was there anything which perhaps didn't quite go according to plan?

Yes, as indicated, we wanted Evoke into the market earlier and had hoped that the next generation components of the product would have been formally launched by now. Even so, as the delay was largely due to the introduction of increased functionality which will lead to increased customer value, we are ok with reaching these objectives early in 2016.

ELKIE: What can we look forward to in 2016 from BlueFinity?

2016 is the year of Evoke. We already have our first customers and so many people are talking about it and it is not even fully released. We delayed the full launch to ensure that we could deliver the levels of functionality that would exceed customers' expectations. Beta reviews of the full product by third parties have confirmed and exceeded our own internal expectations.

So, we are very confident that 2016 will be the year of Evoke!

My thanks to BlueFinity for their time and wish them well with Evoke in 2016.

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For more information regarding BlueFinity products and to download them visit bluefinity.com.


About BlueFinity

BlueFinity International (www.bluefinity.com), a member of the Mpower1 Group of Companies, supplies Microsoft-centric tools which allow MultiValue developers to create applications using the very latest technologies while retaining their valuable and often substantial investment in MultiValue software and knowledge.