Evoke - The First Steps

Following your purchase of an Evoke license, you will have received an email containing the information opposite.

This page describes the next steps you should take as you start to use Evoke.

  • Your Evoke Login details

  • A link to the Evoke Installer

  • A link to this Evoke help website

Step 1 - Videos

Your Evoke support team have provided step by step video tutorials, that you can return to time and time again, to help you understand everything from installing Evoke to building your first app and then deploying it.

Please click the image opposite or here to review the video tutorials.

Step 2 - Background Reading

Take a few minutes to review the following areas of this help site to familiarise yourself with Evoke

Step 3 - Review Demo Apps

BlueFinity have created a number of example/demonstration apps using Evoke and provide these to our customers as part of every Evoke product Account. The example apps serve to demonstrate how we used Evoke to quickly and efficiently create the apps using Evoke and show techniques we have used, however, the also used a "seed" apps, the initial base, for our customers to onward develop the app to their own needs. You will find the Evoke designs for the demonstration apps by logging into Evoke with your account details.


You can also review the apps at live working apps at the following links
You can log into these live demo apps with the username "demo" and the password "demo"

Step 4 - What Happens Next

We help you get started!
The process now is to set up a couple of online meetings to show you, and any of your other staff that will use Evoke, around the product, documentation and how to get started.
First we would like to help you with the Evoke environment review online meeting. During this meeting we will check that you have completed the Evoke installation, accessed Evoke, considered and started to create an initial app and help with connection to your database.
Second, we would like to help you complete the initial screens for your app, show you around Evoke and complete your initial user training.
We will schedule these review sessions with you now.

There is lots more to consider and we have prepared details of what to do for you to review. Please click here